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May 12, 2020
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I’m dead serious about being obsessed enough to get a life-sized Tifa. I have her in my cart on a certain website, but I’m waiting to see if they update her to make her look more realistic and then onto a payment plan she goes. And maybe I’ll actually have the money for it in a few years. 😂
I may not be into FF, but I can respect a Tifa lover :sneaky:

Darth Maul

Sith Lord
Gentlemen's Club
Mar 18, 2019
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I think Rebirth actually looks like a lesser game. There is just something captivating about the first one. Sure, I’m going to play the shit out of Rebirth, but I won’t hold my breath that I will feel exactly the same level of love for that game as I do for part one.


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May 12, 2020
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Resident Evil 4 Remake - 8/10.

I had so many doubts, but I'm ultimately pretty happy to have bought it and completed it. It does have issues, notably in how it doesn't fix some issues from the original game such how did Leon know if Ada was alive before this game, some sequences being removed, literally everything about Ada but in some ways it has some merit over the original. I got such a kick out of the knife mechanics and a few other things. I will probably still play the original over this since I love the original's feel and humor, but I do still think this remake earned its spot. More then The Last of Us Part I remake. Or that Part II remaster..........

Darth Maul

Sith Lord
Gentlemen's Club
Mar 18, 2019
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I think the original is still better, but as a cohesive game that fits in with the other recent remakes, it works. I would say, outside of some stuff with Ada, it’s pretty faithful. Maybe more so than the RE2 Remake, which I just recently started playing again. I also think it’s about as difficult as REmake2. The REmake3 team is the one that made Separate Ways, so it may have issues. It also seems the most different?

I was originally against the remake, but they’ve come this far. They may as well remake Code Veronica and RE5. After that, I’d say remake RE0 and the original REmake before finally finishing it with a reinvisioned RE6. The latter game has a lot of issues and while I liked it, it’s the one I feel needs the most drastic changes to correct the course of the games.

They also need to split off RE7, 8 and 9 into their own thing and keep it away from the mainline cast of characters. Even with these games being remakes, they still have their charm. None of that is present in the first-person abominations though.


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May 12, 2020
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I like the original more still too. But this one honors the original and doesn't feel like a one up on it. I did notice it felt tricky compared to the original, but I think that's me adjusting to the modified play style and new additions. That and I've rarely played any form of RE4 without motion controls. RE3make's team should not touch any other remakes but I've heard good things on Separate Ways surprisingly. I don't like how it's paid DLC though.

Code Veronica needs a remake, I'll say it till I die but that game has aged shockingly poorly. RE5....feels weird with the tease at the end of RE4make, also cause Chris hasn't actually appeared in the remake style so that would be...interesting. If they do a solo mode without Sheva, I'm for it. Keep co-op in to respect the original and for a separate campaign. RE6.....let's...wait...till we get there....RE0 would be interesting, but I'd kind of prefer that if it's tank style. I don't know how to feel about another RE1make that's inline with the new style. Then again, Nintendo has straight up remade the original Pokémon games twice now.

Agreed on RE7-9 (if that happens). Only 8 has charm in the castle because of Lady D, and I sorely say that due to the memes Jack. But really, it almost feels RE7-9 were so far removed that they took out the charm intentionally.

Darth Maul

Sith Lord
Gentlemen's Club
Mar 18, 2019
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It’s not just the lack of charm, it’s the first-person as well. Resident Evil games should be in third-person. There is no discussion to be had to the contrary.

And I’d like a CV remake because it was the first one I owned. Not the first one that I played, but the first one that was mine and that truly got me into the franchise and back into console gaming as a whole—that and Shenmue.

I’ve played a little bit of RE4 now and I will say, it has stayed fairly true to its roots. I’m in the mines now. It’s been years since I’ve played the original, but I don’t think it’s missing anything—yet? Ada looks fine as fuck in this. I almost forgive the lack of her at least appearing in the dress initially. I really dislike that you can’t store ammo.

Just going to say it right now but that’s my biggest pet peeve about it. I was hoping they would remove the dropped resources and ammo from killing enemies too, but that’s still present. They could have taken out a lot of the weird drops and allowed ammo storage and reduced enemy count a little. Oh well.

As for RE5, there may not be coop, but I guarantee you that Sheva is going to be heavily featured in the game. She will be the biggest change though, calling it now. Even more so than the enemy types being a certain color in the original, that will now be drastically more diverse lol.

RE6 should be the absolute last one to be remade. As much as I like the game, it needs the most change, in order to go forward with the franchise. They need to split the series off into whatever fucking direction RE7-9 would be considered and then have the mainline titles everyone knows and loves. Also, where the hell is Revelations 3? The second game was great.

RE0 should get a remake before RE6 and I’d say REmake1 should be before that. Initially, I was against it, but if they’re remaking all the games, that would be far too goofy to leave it out and RE4 proves they CAN get it right. Even RE2 Scenario B, as good as that whole game is, wasn’t faithful to the original game. Or not entirely anyway.

RE3 will end up being the odd man out, with how different it is to the original. I’m betting a director’s cut (which this series was known for doing initially) is coming that fixes a lot of the problems—and hopefully, comes with an option to reskin the Nemesis into something a little more classic and intimidating. He should also be in his upright form for far longer than he was the first time around.
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Veteran member
Gentlemen's Club
Mar 16, 2019
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RoboCop: Rogue City - 6/10

While I undestand that they were heavily limited by R2-R3 plots, this should've been written better and gameplay should've been more engaging. It just feels incredibly rushed, with a lot of corners cut. The plot feels incomplete, as if important chuncks of it were forgotten. Villains don't get even half the attention and care that they deserve, thus by the end, when dealing with them firsthand, I felt absolutely nothing. Which is weird cuz side characters get a lot of attention.

Speaking of! After a few missions Lewis gets replaced with... YOU GUESSED IT, a token black newbie named Ulysses Washington. No, the character isn't bad on his own terms, but... COME FUCKING ON! Fans know that Lewis is offed in the first act of R3 and were expecting more of her here. Whoever came up with this idea is a fucking moron.

The less is said about shooting portions of the game the better. They're not bad as a nod to film, but... again, feels rushed and underdeveloped. What worked in survival action of "Terminator" doesn't work here at all. The basic gameplay is incredily simple so adding mechanics on top of it just made it tedious. There's no gamedesign here.

The soundwork and voice acting are all over the place. Some characters sound natural while others are cartoony and forced. RoboCop has A LOT of lines and Weller's delivery is very awkward very often...

And I don't know what to make of Robo himself. His characterisation is all over the place as well, probably due to said issues with the script and being an interquel... BUT also due to their weird halfassed roleplay system where you can lean into being a lawful OCP machine or a friendly cop. And even if you're being friendly he can say things that you'd expect from R2-full-of-useless-directives Robo, which NPCs brush off and you left feeling very awkward.

And, of course, there's a hure tech/artdesign issue. UE5 is killing gaming right now. Developers simply don't understand it, plus I'm sure EPIC stongarms them to use new features even if it leads to very poor optimization. The graphics menu on PC is barebones so I had to force DOF off and replace lumen with SSR by manually adding lines to the setting.ini file, which is maddening.
In the end... yes, the city looks realistic, but it doesn't matter because character models are a fucking blast from PS3 era and are poorly animated with janky mocap. Same goes for cutscenes, which aren't even worthy to stand next to fanmade shorts.

I had fun playing it but will never come back.
The dev studio is small so I rate it higher than what it deserves.
Def a step back from their "Terminator" game.


Active member
May 12, 2020
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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - 7/10. It's fine, literally the first game but somehow easier and it didn't fix any of the issues. If anything I found it less interesting since it still had the same issues like skipping the majority of the Cell and Buu sagas, yet doing a lot on the Battle of Gods and Revival F sagas, bad difficulty spikes and so on. Though I will say I found the end game pretty entertaining and I liked the idea of seeing your character from the first game regarded as a hero.

Darth Maul

Sith Lord
Gentlemen's Club
Mar 18, 2019
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I like the create-a-saiyan aspect of it, where you build your ideal Z Fighter with different presets, forms, moves and abilities. Outside of that, I prefer Dragon Ball Fighterz and most likely the upcoming game, Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.

I tried Kakarot and couldn’t get into it, but if I ever can tough it out and learn the controls, that might even be better than Xenoverse 2. I still played the bejesus out of Xenoverse 2 though. So, it’s certainly a worthy game.

Snake Plissken

Do I look like a cop?
Gentlemen's Club
Mar 15, 2019
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I was really looking forward to Tenkachi 4 but the models look like the same dogshit they used in Kakorot.

Darth Maul

Sith Lord
Gentlemen's Club
Mar 18, 2019
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The animation style and character models in Sparking Zero take a giant leaping shit on anything Kakarot did. There’s no comparison. In fact, the closest comparison would be to the cgi animation they used in the Broly film. Which is certainly a plus, in my book.

I’m actually looking forward to a Dragon Ball game for once. The last time was when Xenoverse 2 was announced. I was only mildly interested in Fighterz. This could turn out to be one of the best games in the entire series. Assuming there are no insane difficulty spikes or glitches and bugs. And no overly corny and poorly acted dialogue.

I won’t hold my breath on the latter though, as all the voice actors are thoroughly bored with the franchise and have been since the first time they had to redub any rehashed content.